

职业攻略-盗贼 wowclassic 2020-9-7 23:09 1204人浏览 0人回复

1.12各种天赋点的具体DPS价值 (战斗匕首贼)想做输出王的来看看翻译一个很有创意的贴子,他把天赋点的价值用DPS表示出来了.算法思路简单,清晰.可以参考一下!首先假设一战斗匕首贼在raid里,背刺伤害1400,每秒DPS是750, ...

1.12各种天赋点的具体DPS价值 (战斗匕首贼)想做输出王的来看看


首先假设一战斗匕首贼在raid里,背刺伤害1400,每秒DPS是750, 终结技保持每30秒一个5星切割

Adreline Rush :
Assuming you are doing 1400 expected/average backstabs, AR is 150 energy, or 150 / 60 * 1400 = 3500 damage, over 300 seconds, or a mere 11.7 DPS per talent point.
冲动 :
冲动带来了150的额外能量(15秒回7.5次*20=150), 那么冲动带来的伤害是 3500 =150能/60能*1400(背刺伤害). 考虑5分钟冷却一次,这一个天赋点等于提升了整场战斗11.7 DPS

Murder :
Assuming you are doing 750 DPS, murder adds straight 15 DPS when it applies, or 7.5 DPS per talent point.
谋杀 :
人物DPS 750,所以谋杀2%直接增加了15DPS, 或者说, 每一点这天赋=提升整场战斗7.5DPS

Ruthlessness :
Assuming you are using SnD only, every 30 seconds, the actual CP/s = 0.6 / 30 = 0.02 CP/s
SnD DPS is around 110 of the overall 750 DPS, so each CP is worth 110/5 * 30s = 22 DPS/CP * 30s = 660 D/CP
0.02 CP/s * 660 D/CP = 13.2 DPS, or 4.4 DPS per talent point
战斗方式保持每30秒一个5星切割(不用其他终结技,因为4.5x6秒一背刺时间刚够), 实际等于每30秒从这个天赋收益0.6星 奖励星/秒=0.6/30=0.02 强化切割大约占这750DPS的110DPS,则每星价值 110/5*30秒= 22DPS/星*30秒=660 伤害/每星
0.02 奖励星/秒 * 660伤害/每星=13.2 DPS   13.2除以3=4.4. 则每一点这天赋给整个战斗带来4.4DPS

Relentless Strikes (Direct-scaling):
Assuming you are using SnD only, every 30 seconds, so its an extra 25 energy every 30 seconds.
25/60 * 1400 = 583 damage, over 30 seconds = 19.4 DPS per talent point
战斗方式保持每30秒一个5星切割,则每30秒收益25能量   25/60 *1400=583伤害,每30秒,每一点这天赋给整个战斗带来19.4DPS

Assuming 40% Crit, and Backstab DPS assumed to be 233. Working backwards, Backstab DPS is 122 ( 0.3 * 122 + 0.7 * 122 * 2.3 = 233).
So Lethality = 122 * 0.3 = 36.6 DPS per 5 talent points, or 7.3 DPS per talent point
假设有40%暴,背刺DPS定为233. 每一个这个天赋点带来7.3DPS

Improved Poison :
Assuming no VP, 15% Hit, 2.0 speed MH and OH, Backstabbing rogue.
20% * 130 * (90% * 1 + 95% / 4) = 29.575 ~ 30 DPS per 20% proc rate.
30 DPS per 20% proc rate => 3 DPS per 2% proc rate, or 3 DPS per talent point
假设,15命中.2.0速度的主手和副手匕首贼...每一点这天赋点带来3 DPS

1. (Assasination Tier 2) 3/3 SnD is absolutely needed for combat daggers. Murder produces better DPS/talent point compare to Ruthlessness, so 2/2 Murder.
2. (Assasination Tier 3) Lethality is 7.3 DPS per talent point vs. Relentless Strikes' 19.4 DPS per talent point. 1/1 Relentless Strikes + 4/5 Lethality.
3. (Assasination Tier 3, Combat Tier 7) AR is 11.7 DPS/talent point, but would require 3 talent points investment (2 fillers), so its actually 11.7 DPS/ 3 talent points. The other choice is 1/5 Lethality @ 7.3 DPS + 2/3 Ruthlessness @ 4.4 DPS each, netting you 16.1 DPS/ 3 talent points.
1. 刺杀第2层, 3/3强化切割对战斗匕首贼是一定要点满的, 谋杀的天赋价值也比无情高.
2. 刺杀第3层,"致命偷袭"天赋价值=7.3DPS/每点, "无情打击"天赋价值是19.4DPS/每点.我选择1/1无情打击, 4/5致命偷袭
3.刺杀第3,战斗第7层. 冲动的天赋价值是11.7DPS/每点, 但是要出冲动要多点2个废物过路,加上它自己一点,那冲动的耗费点数是3点. 那么冲动的实际价值是11.7还要除以3=3.9DPS/每点. 另一种选择是用刺杀系的1/5的致命偷袭+2/3的无情,换取冲动 (舍弃冲动的3.9DPS/每点,带来刺杀系7.3+8.8=16.1的DPS/每点)


Overall efficiency: 2/2 Imp SS, 3/3 Imp Gouge, 2/2 Imp Sprint as fillers (total of 7). The rest are all DPS producing talents, vs. 15/31/5 build with total of 9 fillers. 

作者说:他设想的这天赋,没有加2点邪恶攻击,3点凿击.2点强化急跑.(7点). 加的都是能对raid输出有利的天赋. 相对于 15/31/5天赋,比它少点9点废物(相对于raid没用的天赋)





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