Not an accurate statement. I will clarify.先声明以下,这并不是一个绝对准确的比率。At level 60, each class has an "expected amount" of INT. This varies from class to class.到60级以后,每个职业都有一个 ...
Not an accurate statement. I will clarify. 先声明以下,这并不是一个绝对准确的比率。 At level 60, each class has an "expected amount" of INT. This varies from class to class. 到60级以后,每个职业都有一个默认智力期望值,不同的职业不一样。 At level 60, a Mage's expected amount of INT is 286 points. 一个60级的法师默认智力期望值是286。 That expected amount yields a 5% crit chance. 从中可以获得5%的法术暴击率。 This works out to 59.5 points of INT for each Crit% point. 这相当于差不多59.5点智力等于1%的暴击。 At levels before 60, the numbers are different, but keep the basic ratio of expected amount of INT to the crit% of 5. 在60级以前,这个数据是不同的,但基本伤都保持着期望的默认智力值等于5%的暴击率。 For Mages at level 60: 对于一个60级的法师 48 Int: 1% crit 48智力:1%暴击 107 Int: 2% crit 107智力:2%暴击 167 Int: 3% crit 167智力:3%暴击 226 Int: 4% crit 226智力:4%暴击 286 Int: 5% crit 126智力:5%暴击 346 Int: 6% crit 346智力:6%暴击 405 Int: 7% crit 405智力:7%暴击 465 Int: 8% crit 465智力:8%暴击 524 Int: 9% crit 524智力:9%暴击 584 Int: 10% crit 584智力:10%暴击 |